Our Services

Expert Care for Every Rug

Elevate the care of your Oriental rugs with our tailored services. From thorough cleaning to precise restoration, we’re dedicated to keeping your rugs looking their best.


Our skilled craftsmen apply traditional techniques to mend wear and tear, from minor fixes to more complex repair such as damages caused by animals or simply due to age. All repairs are done by hand, including hand-knitting, re-fringing ends and re-knotting different types of damages.


Utilizing natural, eco-friendly solutions, our cleaning service removes dirt, stains, and allergens, restoring your rug’s vibrant colors and soft texture without harmful chemicals. We work with all types of rugs from hand-knit to machine-made, wool, synthetic, silk, cotton and more.


Enhance your rug’s comfort and longevity with our custom padding solutions. Our custom rug padding solutions are designed to suit any type of house floor, including tile, wood, stone, marble, or laminate. Tailored to fit the unique size and shape of your rug, our pads provide extra cushioning, slip resistance, and protection for your floors.


We specialize in bringing aged or damaged rugs back to life, preserving their historical value while revitalizing their appearance. Restoring rugs from water and/or fire damage as well as stains made from food and beverage products, smoke, and pet smell with natural enzymes.

Fitting decorative rugs into your lifestyle

We’ve been working with the best manufacturers overseas for over 40 years and established long-lasting relationships with makers and weavers in our industry. These strong relations as well as our extensive experience allowed us to bring the highest quality standard hand-made rugs to our clients at the most competitive price points.


Family Heritage and Market Expertise

Oriental Rug Source is a 2nd generation family business. With our roots established in past merchant trading and manufacturing, our expertise makes us understand better our clients taste and vision as well as markets’ demand.


Risk-Free Accommodation and Expert Assistance

We offer a 7-Day risk-free accommodation in the comfort of your own home for any rug or rugs that you select. We are here every step of the way to assist you with the size, color, design or any quality expertise. Additionally, we offer shipping and returns at no charge



To serve our customers better we provide free pick-up and delivery within a 45-mile radius including: Winter Park, College Park, Downtown Orlando, Windermere, Casselberry, Lake Mary, Longwood, St. Cloud, Kissimmee, Celebration, Winter Garden, Ocoee, Mt. Dora, Tavares, Leesburg, Altoona and Ustis. We also serve the greater Central Florida area including Orange, Brevard, Seminole, Flagler and Volusia counties.


Come visit our beautiful storefront and showroom conveniently located in Winter Park


We handle all kinds of pieces from a small entrance rug to an entire ballroom masterpiece


Let’s bring your cherished rug back to life, beautifully and authentically.